The conservative NPCs of Parler are railing against getting $2,000 payments, saying that such payments are "socialist". First they demanded that President Trump veto the stimulus bill, because it included thousands of line items of pork-barrel spending that had nothing to do with COVID stimulus payments. Then when President Trump signed the lousy bill, they demanded a separate bill which boosted the measly $600 payments to $2,000, but only after insisting that the President was exercising 64 dimensional chess by sending the bill back to congress with red-sharpie strikes on it (the concept of a line item veto was struck down by SCOTUS decades ago). Now that Mitch McConnell is aiming to block $2,000 payments, they’re parroting his calls, but only in between thrice-daily posts about how if Republicans don’t win Senate runoffs in Georgia, it will be the end of the Republic.
These Republican drones, I should point out, aren't against Social Security and Medicare, because they've convinced themselves that those payments are "their money", even though the programs have been bankrupt for decades and almost entirely fueled by money borrowed from the Chinese and laid on the shoulders of their children and grandchildren.
Imagine that. A socialized medicine system is bankrupt in a country that insists 94 year olds should receive $500,000 triple-bypass surgeries if they want them.
Why are middle-class Republican Parler users advocating against their interests? They're doing so because the billionaires who back Ben Shapiro and PragerU and TPUSA got together and decided to sell them slogans like "#SocialismSucks".
Meanwhile, corporations owned and operated by these same billionaires are taking in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of bailouts and subsidies written into the very same legislation.
If you're on Parler and yapping about how $2,000 payments to you are socialism, chances are that you've got a sub-90 IQ and you only exist to parrot talking points sold to you by billionaires you've never heard of. To add insult to injury, you do it for free!