The United States provides the poorest education outcomes of any country in its class. Children raised by public schools are brainwashed with relentless, Marxist, statist propaganda to the point of ratting out their own parents for attending the January 6th Capitol Protest. Children with IQ’s 40 points apart are forced into the same classes.
The pandemic has laid bare just how terrible the public education system is in the United States. For the first time, parents are working from home and so are their children, with school being done online and parents can see with their own eyes as public school teachers log onto Zoom or Google Classroom and don’t even pretend to teach.
Entire articles, and indeed entire books could be written about the myriad problems with the public school system in the United States. Many deserve blame for America’s terrible education system. Chief among them, the teachers unions. But what are the solutions?
Private schools are too expensive for most Americans, coming in at $35,000 to $50,000 per year, and provide education outcomes which are hardly better than those which exist in public schools. Homeschooling is the next option, and in recent years, with the rise of online homeschooling communities, it has become a much better option than ever before.
Even with the rise of homeschooling communities, homeschooled children remain far undersocialized on average. This comes with numerous benefits in terms of preserving their innocence, but it also bears great costs. And perhaps most critically, with the two-working-parent household having become predominant in the United States, homeschooling for most represents an option which is extraordinarily difficult to pull off, if feasible at all.
Jason Calacanas recently raised a fourth option. Microschools.
Miscroschools lend the promise of smart kids who don’t face the uphill social struggle of homeschooled children. How would they work?
Parents would get together 10-12 students of similar age and find a top notch educator. That teacher might be making $70,000 in the public school system. In exchange for trading in the job security provided by the public school system, the parents might offer the teacher $80,000 per year to teach their 12 students. The cost would come out to less than $7,000 per student, per year. With a 200 day school year, that would work out to $33 per student, per day.
Parents would enjoy total transparency to provide oversight into the education that their children are receiving, the government and the unions would be shut out of the process and children would receive a great education without the social trouble that everyone knows comes with single household homeschooling.
About The Author: Jacob Wohl is a registered lobbyist and the host of Man Up with Jacob Wohl on Censored.TV.
This model isn't new. I have been working on it since 2011. There are some huge barriers to overcome that are in place from Higher Education. This week I'm connecting with someone in the robotics sphere to again attack one of the main issues preventing this model from growing. If anyone is keen on tackling an issue reply to this comment and I'll send you a more detailed break down of issues. I've worked on this in the Middle East, Asia, and now the US. I've worked on this with nearly unlimited funds. The Higher Ed barriers, especially for Science, are really tough to break. Thanks for writing. Check out my SubStack if you have time.